Headquarters OPEN, Saturday, July 27, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Vote TRUMP! 
Vote Bernie Moreno!
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Welcome to the Lorain County Republican Party website.  We are glad you’re here and look forward to meeting you in person.  Whether you need voting information, would like to attend a local event or want to volunteer this is the place.  Welcome!  

Republican Headquarters location:  1913 N. Ridge Rd. E., Lorain. (MAP)

Our Mission

The mission of the Lorain County Republican Party is to help recruit, support and get Republicans elected to public office at the local, county, state and federal level.  We believe in and uphold traditional American values of freedom, liberty & equal justice under the law.  We believe American values are those embodied in the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

We support equal opportunity, capitalism, and limited government.  We encourage public discussion of the issues facing our communities.  We welcome YOU to the Lorain County Republican Party.  We want you to be part of our big tent.  We welcome all ages, faiths and races to be part of our mission.  Become a volunteer, a campaign supporter, a central committee member or a candidate.  Republicans live by the foundational American values and can better manage our cities, villages, townships, schools, county, state and country.  This will happen with your involvement.  Step up and join us today. 

Lorain County Republican Party Events

We encourage you to check our event pages and attend local events to learn more about current issues, the candidates and how you can get involved. 

There are several monthly Republican group meetings and social events in Lorain County.  Periodically there are town halls, candidate forums and fundraisers.  FIND events on our list. 

Are you between the ages of 18 - 40?  Well, if you are, it would be great for you to consider joining the Lorain County Young Republicans.  If you care about your town, your county, our beautiful Ohio and our country, be part of this group of future leaders. Click here to contact us.  

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General Election 2024

November 5, 2024 at 6:30 AM
Paid for by: Lorain County Republican Party
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