Thu Feb 6 2025 5:45 PM to 7:30 PM
North Ridgeville Republican Club Meeting
North Ridgeville Library
35700 Bainbridge Rd.
N. Ridgeville, OH 44039
Give us suggestions
If you cannot attend and have a suggestion, please notify the N.R. Rep. Club President Bob Meeker at 216-632-2255 or Please join us. Our meeting is a great way to get involved in local politics.
2025 Club Dues
We are asking you to pay your club dues for the 2025 calendar year. They are $20 for a family membership and $15 for a single membership. Checks are preferable but cash is also accepted as well as Venmo or PayPal. Dues help to support Republican activities in North Ridgeville. Please invite your Republican friends to become members of our awesome club.
Hope to see you.
- Watch for different events and dates of them in the months of June, July, August and December. The regular meetings may not take place because of special events we have instead.
- The North Ridgeville Republican Area Committee is comprised of 22 central committee members who were elected at the March 19, 2024, Primary Election. This election is held every four years during the U.S. Presidential election. There are 24 precincts total in N. Ridgeville so there are two vacancies. To learn more attend these club meetings. Chairman of the Area Committee is Vince Loparo (440) 327-4733.

35700 Bainbridge Rd.
North Ridgeville, OH 44039
(440) 724-7246
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